Storicamente 2015

Dossier / Representations of Fear in History: Empirical / Practical evidence and Methodological Issues

a cura di Vito Gironda, Marica Tolomelli

History and Emotions: On Social Constructions and the Politics of Fear

Art. no. 17

Introduzione. Storia e emozioni: costruzioni sociali e politiche della paura

Art. no. 18

«Ogni vincolo di umana solidarietà era annientato dalla forza della paura». La paura degli aristocratici nell'impero romano

Art. no. 19

Metus Gallicus: “metus” come spinta al cambiamento

Art. no. 20

World War II Aerial Bombings of Germany: Fear as Subject of National Socialist Governmental Practices

Art. no. 21

Daily Routines under Constant Surveillance. West German Foreign Correspondents in Moscow in the 1950s and 60s

Art. no. 22

Emotional Aspects of Road Safety Issues in Bielefeld, 1979-1995

Art. no. 23

Psychedelic Fears. Drug Use as an Emotional Practice in West Germany around 1970

Art. no. 24

Apri l'indice completo del volume 2015

Dossier: tutte le annate